Webphone is a user-level management portal that allows access to phonebooks, call history and queue management for the user. Webphone is the location of the Webphone calling service if it has been activated on the account for the User.
Please see Activating Webphone to gain access to the Webphone #
Phonebooks #
The phonebook section allows to view and manage contacts in the assigned phonebook for the user. Please note changes in the phonebook are only applicable in the Webphone for specific users.
How toSearch Phonebook #
- The user search field is above the Phonebook contents

- The search will identify contacts by contents of phone number or contact name
How toAdd a Contact #
- On the right of the screen select the ‘New contact’ button

- Fill in details for required fields
- Phone Number (one per contact)
- Name

- Additional Options
- Avatar
- Email (one per contact)
How to Remove Contact #
- Locate the contact or use the search
- Select ‘X’ in the right column in the Phonebook

- Alternatively, click on the Contact and select the ‘Delete’ button in the edit window

How toEdit Contact #
- Locate the contact or use search
- Select ‘Pencil’ in the right column in the Phone Book

- Alternatively, click on the Contact and update details in the edit window

History #
A call log that provides a chronological view of calls reaching the user (consolidating any device).
How to Understand Call log #
The call log has multiple columns that provide information on the calls reaching/made by the user.
- The name column displays a name if the phone number can be found in the phonebook or just a number for unknown numbers.
- The type column displays the status of the call (Inbound/Outbound/Missed call)

- Line Used column displays the number displayed for the call. If it is an inbound call, the call that was received on, and for outbound the Caller ID that was displayed
- Duration column displays the length of the call in minutes and seconds
- Date column provides the date/time call initiated
- The final column on the right provides an option to add the new contact for numbers not in the phonebook by clicking the icon

Queue Membership #
In this section, the User can turn on or off the delivery of the calls from specific queues to where the user is assigned. By turning on presence in the specific queue the calls will be delivered to the user as per queue setup. Turning off presence will not deliver calls to the user from that queue without affecting other queues that the user has been assigned to.
How to Activate or Deactivate presence in queue #
- To start or stop calls from the queue use the slider under the appropriate queue

The user is not Active in the queue and WILL NOT receive calls from that queue
The user is Active in the queue and WILL receive calls from that queue
Webphone #
Webphone provides the ability to make and receive calls from within the Webphone
How to Make a call #
To Make a call a dial pad can be used using the mouse, number keys on the keyboard, paste the number into the Phone number field or double-clicking a contact from the phonebook.
How to Receive and answer a call #
Click on the green answer button (notifications and access to the microphone are required, please see how to enable incoming call ring sound and notifications for more details)
How to Change status between Online and Do Not Disturb #
Click the status icon in the top right corner
Ready to take calls
Do not disturb is activated and no calls will be delivered
How to Choose Caller ID for outbound calls #
Use “Your caller ID displays as:” field
The field will display all available numbers that can be used as outbound caller ID (CLI)

Useful Links #
Settings #
The settings section allows management of user profile, giving options to add/remove/change User Avatar, email, language selection, activate/deactivate Call Notifications and change password. These settings are applicable only to the Webphone.
- User Avatar (used only in Webphone) allows uploading a profile picture image for the individual user
- Change Language provides the ability to translate the portal into one of the available languages
- The change Password button will initiate the process to change the password for the Webphone
- Enable/Disable Call Notifications is an option to use browser display notifications to indicate an incoming call
Known Issues #
- Dark Mode does not work