We’re not one for overstatements so please trust us when we say Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) is the future of phones.
As old, outdated copper phone wires are phased out, VoIP will take over. This technology takes analogue audio signals and turns them into data that can be transmitted over the internet, thereby bypassing phone companies and clunky hardware.
For business phone systems this is huge, because it creates a low-cost, reliable method of making and receiving calls.
Let’s take a look at some of the benefits below:
We all know the pain of having to contact telcos when a phone line is installed, and when that is done you’re often left with the clutter of ugly phone wires.
VoIP phone systems eliminates all this and allows a business to work remotely. This is because it relies on the internet, so calls can be made, or received, either by mobile apps or desktop applications. This removes the physical limitations of a workplace, meaning you can work from anywhere in the world, or in the age of COVID, just from home.
It also makes conference calls easier and cheaper. When it comes to traditional conference calls, the business owner often has to pay for an additional service to host callers. VoIP relies on a converged data network – in most cases these features are included natively.
Easy integration
With VoIP, integration with other systems is easy as can be.
In ye olde times, when a customer would call an analogue phone, that conversation would be confined to one network and data would have to be manually recorded.
VoIP changes that.
It’s possible to integrate a VoIP with a CRM system to help pass client data back and forth more easily. You can make calls within the CRM, record data, export it and in some cases even transcribe calls. Sounds pretty good right?
Efficient client interaction
By far our favourite benefit, is the fact VoIP improves the relationship between businesses and clients.
Gone are the days of voicemail and missed calls.
With a VoIP you can choose where to direct or forward a call. For instance, you could choose for the first several rings to go to an office, and should it not be picked up there, it can then be redirected to a mobile or colleague.
Call forwarding is an important feature if the worst-case scenario happens; the internet goes down. To protect your business from this, all you need to do is direct calls to a number on another internet connection. Easy, done. No need to live in fear of a storm.
By doing this, it means you, the business, will never miss out on important information, and the client always feels valued.
What’s not to love about that?